Stelle Tunc Elias jussu Dei vasa ejus repl...; (De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636), Lib. 2, Cap. 18, Par. 1, Col. 527 (lin. 36)) [4021]

Basic Information
ID 4021
Text De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Tunc Elias jussu Dei vasa ejus replevit, et apud ipsam alienigenam hospitatus escis gentilibus vixit, quod fieri non liceret, nisi lex spiritualiter data fuisset.
Translation Then Elijah by the order of God refilled his vessels, and lived off the foods of the gentiles through the hospitality of one who was herself a foreign woman, which would not have been allowed to happen, unless the law had been given spiritually.
Quotation source Lib. 2, Cap. 18, Par. 1, Col. 527 (lin. 36)
Associated use case(s)