Stelle Unde et Abimelech, somno commonitus...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), In Genesim, Cap. 16, Par. 2, Col. 246 (lin. 47)) [4030]

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ID 4030
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Unde et Abimelech, somno commonitus, non commaculavit eam concubitu, sed intactam restituit marito. 2. Verumtamen quis tunc in illo figurabatur viro, scire volo; et cujus sit uxor quae in hac peregrinatione atque inter alienigenas pollui macularique non sinitur, ut sit viro suo sine macula et ruga? In gloriam quippe Christi recte vivit Ecclesia, ut pulchritudo ejus honor sit viro ejus, sicut Abraham propter Sarae pulchritudinem inter alienigenas honorabatur.
Translation Therefore also Abimelech, warned by a dream, did not defile her by sleeping with her, but restored her untouched to her husband. 2. But who is meant by this man, I wish to know; and whose wife she is who in this wandering among foreigners is not permitted to be polluted or defiled, so that her husband shall be without stain or mark? For justly lives the Church in the glory of Christ, that the beauty of her honour should be for her husband, just as Abraham was honoured among foreigners for the beauty of Sara.
Quotation source In Genesim, Cap. 16, Par. 2, Col. 246 (lin. 47)
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