Stelle Hanc vero cognationem terrenam voca...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), In Genesim, Cap. 16, Par. 6, Col. 247 (lin. 42)) [4031]

Basic Information
ID 4031
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Hanc vero cognationem terrenam vocans in aliam vitam, ubi nemo moritur, negare nos Christus docuit, non fateri, cum discipulis ait: Ne vobis dicatis patrem in terra, unus est enim pater vester, qui in caelis est. Quod autem Ecclesia cujus uxor sit occultatur alienigenis, cujus autem soror non tacetur, haec interim causa facile non occurrit, quia occultum est et difficile ad intelligendum, quomodo anima humana verbo Dei copuletur, sive misceatur, sive quid melius et aptius dici potest, cum sit illud Deus, ista creatura; secundum hoc enim sponsus et sponsa, vel vir et uxor, Christus et Ecclesia dicuntur.
Translation Calling this recognition into the other life, where no one shall die, Christ taught us to deny, not to confess, when he said to the disciples: do not call anyone father on earth, there is only your father who is in heaven. But that whose wife the church shall be is hidden among foreigners, whose sister shall not be silent, this case meanwhile does not occurr, because it is hidden and difficult to understand, in what way the human soul shall be coupled to the word of God, or mixed, or whatever could be said better and more aptly, that although that should be God, these things creation; according to this, they are called, therefore, bride and groom, husband and wife, Christ and the Church.
Quotation source In Genesim, Cap. 16, Par. 6, Col. 247 (lin. 42)
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