Stelle Est quippe gens astutissima, injur...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), I, 3) [4102]

Basic Information
ID 4102
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Est quippe gens astutissima, injuriarum ultrix, spe alias plus lucrandi patrios agros vilipendens, quaestus et dominationis avida, cuiuslibet rei simulatrix ac dissimulatrix, inter largitatem et avaritiam quoddam medium habens. Nisi jugo justitiae prematur, effrenatissima est. Ex nomine itaque suo terrae nomen tradiderunt : north quippe anglica lingua quilonaris plaga dicitur. Et quia ipsi ab aquilone venerant, Normanni dicti, terram etiam Normanniam appelaverunt.
Translation They are a most astute people, eager to avenge injuries, looking rather to enrich themselves from others than from their native fields. They are eager and [indeed] greedy for profit and power, hypocritical and deceitful about almost everything, but between generosity and avarice they take a middle course. And unless they are held in thrall by the yoke of justice, they are a most unbridled people. They derive the name of their land from their own name: north in the English language means "the northern wind' [aquilonis plaga], and since they come from the north they are called Normans and their land Normandy.
Quotation source I, 3
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Comment Syntactically linked to Normans, in the form of Rollo's fleet and its descendents. Descriptors in Latin: astutissima, injuriarum ultrix, quaestus, avida, simulatrix, dissimulatrix, largitatem, avaritiam, effrenatissima,