Stelle Comes vero a Calabria et Apulia, u...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), II, 32) [4194]

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ID 4194
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Comes vero a Calabria et Apulia, ut apes studiosissima, his, quae militibus necessaria erant, onustus rediens, omnes suos adventu laetificavit, equos et cetera, quibus opus habebant, illis impertiens. Aliquantis ergo diebus equis, quos adduxerat, recreatis, comperto quod Arabici et Africani, qui Arabia et Africa, quasi auxilium laturi Siciliensibus, causa lucrandi, advenerant, apud Castrum- Johannis usque ad quingentos morarentur … Volensque Siculos undique lacessere, Calatabuturum praedatum vadit. Unde rediens versus roccas Castri- Johannis, si forte Arabicos a castro extrahere posset, attentans, maximam praedam reduxit.
Translation The count returned from Calabria and Apulia, laden like the busiest of bees with the supplies that were needed for his troops. and all his men rejoiced at his arrival. He brought them horses and all the other things which their duties required. A few days later, once the horses which he had brought were fully fit, he learned that some five hundred Arabs a. nd Africans who had come from their homelands to aid the Sicilians as mercenaries were stationed at Castrogiovanni … Wishing to do the Sicilians as much harm as possible he set out to plunder Calavuturo. Returning from there past the battlements of Castrogiovanni, he did his best to lure the Arabs out from the castrum, and brought back a great deal of booty.
Quotation source II, 32
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