Stelle Africani igitur et Arabici cum Si...; (De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100), II, 33) [4195]

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ID 4195
Text De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (1075 - 1100) Geoffrey Malaterra
Quotation Africani igitur et Arabici cum Siciliensibus, plurimo exercitu congregato, ut bellum comiti inferant, advenire nuntiantur, anno Verbi incarnati MLXIII: quibus comes cum suis alacriter occurrens, in cacumen eiusdem montis, super fluvium Cerami, ut eos plenius prospiceret, ascendit. Videntes autem nostros tantam condensitatem inimicorum paganorom ac Siciliensium - simul existentium et circumdantium se hostium - sternendo, ut a furenti vento solet condensitas nebularum disrumpi et sicuti velocissimos accipitres imbecillem turbam avium disruptam sternere, sed cum longo certamine grassati, diutius nostrorum infestationem ferre non praevalentes, fuga se tueri, potius quam armis nituntur
Translation In the year from the incarnation of the Word 1063 it was announced that the Africans and Arabs, along with the Sicilians, had gathered a large army and arrived to wage war on the count. But finally the enemy saw that our men were scattering the dense formation of pagans and Sicilians by whom they were at one and the same time both confronted and surrounded - just as thick clouds are broken up by a furious wind and the swiftest hawks scatter a helpless flock of birds, Exhausted by the long battle, they were unable to withstand our men's attack any longer and strove to flee rather than fight.
Quotation source II, 33
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