Stelle Huius temporibus in era supradicta,...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §41 (p. 348)) [4684]

Basic Information
ID 4684
Text Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 754) Anonymous - History
Quotation Huius temporibus in era supradicta, anno imperii eius primo, Arabum LXXXVIIII, aput Arabas Vlit regnum retemtat. In Spaniis uero quinto decimo anno Wittiza perseuerat in regno.
Translation In the times of this man in the aforementioned era, in the first year of his rule, and the eighty-ninth of the Arabs, Ulit became ruler among the Arabs.[lxxxiii] In the Spanish lands, Vuitiza continued into the fifteenth year in rule. (Al-Tamimi, trans., “The Mozarabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the chronicle recounts the political situation in 705, whenJustinian II was restored to rule, Al-Walid I became Caliph and the fifteenth year of Wittiza’s reign over the Goths began.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §41 (p. 348)
Temporal Coverage 705 - 705
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects