Stelle Fili hominis, pone faciem tuam cont...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)) [4707]

Basic Information
ID 4707
Text Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900) Anonymous - History
Quotation Fili hominis, pone faciem tuam contra Ismael et loquere ad eos dicens: Fortissimum gentibus dedi te, multiplicaui te, corroboraui te et posui in dextera tua gladium et in sinistra tua sagittas ut conteras gentes;
Translation Son of man, set your face against Ishmael and speak to them saying: 'I gave you power over other peoples, I multiplied you, I strengthened you, and put in your right hand a sword and in your left hand arrows so that you would destroy peoples… (Baxter-Wolf, trans., “Chronica Prophetica”, 2008)
Summary Here the Chronica prophetica recounts the prophecy to Ezekiel, and how God had set them to destroy other peoples with sword and arrows.
Quotation source Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)
Associated use case(s)