Stelle Item, reges qui regnauerunt in Span...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 7 (p. 8)) [4715]

Basic Information
ID 4715
Text Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900) Anonymous - History
Quotation Item, reges qui regnauerunt in Spania ex originie Ismaelitarum Beniumeia
Translation Here are the kings who ruled in Spain who were from Banu Umayyad [Beniumeje] of the Ishmaelites. (Baxter-Wolf, trans., “Chronica Prophetica”, 2008)
Summary Here the Chronica prophetica marks a division between a list of governors who had each had only a short reign, and the onset of the list of the kings of Spain.
Quotation source Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 7 (p. 8)
Temporal Coverage 746 - 852
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects