Stelle Zona itaque maritima Decapolis dici...; (Historia Norwegie (1150 - 1175), 2 (pp. 54-56)) [4873]

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ID 4873
Text Historia Norwegie (1150 - 1175) Anonymous - History
Quotation Zona itaque maritima Decapolis dici potest, nam X civitatibus inclita est, IIII patrias complectens XXII prouinciarum capaces. Prima patria Sinus Orientalis dicitur, a terminis Dacie oriens, et usque ad locum, qui Rygiarbit appellatur, extenditur IIII prouincias continens. Secunda Gulacia ad insulam, que Media nuncupatur, usque protelatur VI complectens prouincias. Quarum ultima nomine Mor uillam quandam habet nature mirabilis. Omnes enim stipites abcisi ramusculi, si per unius anni spacium terre inhereant, in lapides conuertuntur. Tercia patria Trondemia uocitatur. Et est sinus ostio angustissimo, octo capiens prouincias in sua latissima receptacula, III etiam extra sumens, et fiunt XI. Quarta Halogia, cuius incole multum Finnis cohabitant, et inter se commercia frequentant. Que patria in aquilonem terminat Norwegiam iuxta locum Wegestaf, qui Biarmoniam ab ea dirimit.
Translation The seaboard tract may be termed Decapolis, because it is renowned for its ten townships, and embraces four law provinces, which contain twenty-two counties. The first law province in the east is called Viken and extends from the bounds of Denmark right to the place known as Rygjarbit; it contians four counties. The second, Gulatingslag, brings us as far as the island of Mia, and comprises six counties, of which the farthest, named Møre, includes a farm with astonishing properties: all boughs and twigs that are cut from trees turn to stone, if they happen to lie in contact with the ground for as much as a year. The third law province is called Trøndelag; here there is a fjord which has a very narrow entrance and envelops eight counties within its extensive arms, with another three outside its reach, making eleven in all. The fourth is Hålogaland, whose inhabitants dwell a good deal with the Finns, so that there are frequent transactions between them; this law province forms the northern boundary of Norway next to Vegestav, which separates it from Bjarmaland. (Trans. Fisher, pp. 55-7)
Quotation source 2 (pp. 54-56)
Temporal Coverage 1150 - 1175
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