Stelle Haec itaque Thyle nunc Island appel...; (Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076), IV.36 (p. 272-274)) [4877]

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ID 4877
Text Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076) Adam of Bremen
Quotation Haec itaque Thyle nunc Island appellatur, a glacie, quae oceanum astringit. De qua etiam hoc memorabile ferunt, quod eadem glacies ita nigra et arida videatur propter antiquitatem, ut incensa ardeat. Est autem insula permaxima, ita ut populos infra se multos contineat, qui solo pecorum fetu vivunt eorumque vellere teguntur; nullae ibi fruges, minima lignorum copia. Propterea in subterraneis habitant speluncis, communi teco et victu et strato gaudentes cum pecoribus suis. Itaque in simplicitate sancta vitam peragentes, cum nihil amplus quaerant quam natura concedit, laeti possunt dicere cum apostolo, ‘habentes victum et vestitum, his contenti simus’. Nam et montes suos habent pro oppidis et fontes pro deliciis. Beata, inquam, gens, cuius paupertati nemo invidet, et in hoc beatissima, quod nunc omnes induerunt christianitatem. Multa insignia in moribus eorum, precipua karitas, ex qua procedit, ut inter illos omnia communia sint tam advenis quam indigenis. Episcopum suum habent pro rege; ad illius nutum respicit omnis populus; quicquid ex Deo, ex scripturis, ex consuetudine aliarum gentium ille constituit, hoc pro lege habent. De quibus noster metropolitanus inmensas Deo gratias retulit, quod suo tempore convertebantur, licet ante susceptam fidem naturali quadam lege non adeo discordabant a nostra religione. Itaque petentibus illis ordinavit quendam sanctissimum virum nomine Isleph. Qui ab eadem regione missus ad pontificem aliquandiu retentus est apud eum cum ingenti prorsus honore, discens interea, quibus noviter conversos ad Christum populos salubriter posset informare. Per quem transmisit archiepiscopus suos apices populo Islanorum et Gronlandorum, venerabiliter salutans eorum ecclesias et pollicens eis propediem se venturum usque ad illos, ut gaudio simul pleno fruantur. In quibus verbis egregia, quam habuit in legationem suam, voluntas pontificis laudari potest, quoniam et apostolum discimus ad predicandum verbum Dei malle in Hispaniam proficisci, quod implere non potuit. Haec de Island et ultima Thyle veraciter comperi, fabulosa preteriens.
Translation This Thule is now called Iceland, from the ice which binds the ocean. About this island they also report this remarkable fact, that the ice on account of its age is so black and dry in appearance that it burns when fire is set to it. This island, however, is so very large that it has on it many peoples, who make a living only by raising cattle and who clothe themselves with their pelts. No crops are grown there; the supply of wood is very meager. On this account the people dwell in underground caves, glad to have roof and food and bed in common with their cattle. Passing their lives thus in holy simplicity, because they seek nothing more than what nature affords, they can joyfully say with the Apostle: 'But having food, and wherewith to be covered, with these we are content'. For instead of towns they have mountains and springs as their delights. Blessed, I say, is the folk whose poverty no one envies; and in this respect most blessed because all have now adopted Christianity. They have many meritorious customs, especially charity, in consequence of which they have all things in common with strangers as well as with natives. They hold their bishop as a king. All the people respect his wishes. They hold as law whatever he ordains as coming from God, or from the Scriptures, or even from the worthy practices of other peoples. From them our metropolitan returned vast thanks to God that they had been converted in his time, even though before receiving the faith they were in what may be called their natural law, which was not much out of accord with our religion. On their petition, therefore, the archbishop consecrated a certain most holy man named Islef. And when he was sent from that region to the prelate, the latter held him in his company for a while and furthermore bestowed great honour upon him. In the meantime Islef learned in what respects peoples newly converted to Christ can salutarily be instructed. By him the archbishop transmitted letter to the people of Iceland and Greenland, reverently greeting their churches and promising them he would come to them very soon that their joy may be full together. From these words the high purpose which the archbishop had with regard to his legateship can be adduced as, indeed, we also learn the Apostle wished to journey to Spain in order to preach the Word of God, which intention he was unable to carry out. Disregarding the fabulous, these facts about Iceland and the farthest Thule we learned are true. (Trans. Tschan, pp. 217-18)
Quotation source IV.36 (p. 272-274)
Temporal Coverage 1056 - 1056
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Spatial Coverage Objects