Stelle A Seland in Sconiam traiectus multi...; (Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076), IV. 7 (pp. 234-235)) [4919]

Basic Information
ID 4919
Text Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076) Adam of Bremen
Quotation A Seland in Sconiam traiectus multi, brevissimus in Halsinpurg, qui et videri potest. Sconia est pulcherrima visu Daniae provintia, unde et dicitur, armata viris, opulenta frugibus divesque mercibus, et nunc plena ecclesiis. Sconia bis tantum habet in spacio quam Seland, hoc est CCCtas ecclesias, cum Seland dicatur habere dimidium, Funis terciam partem. Sconia est pars ultima Daniae, fere insula; undique enim cincta est mari, preter unum terrae brachium, quod ab oriente continens Sueoniam disterminat a Dania. Ubi sunt profundi saltus montesque asperrimi, per quos a Sconia in Gothiam necessario iter agitur, ut dubites, utrum levius sit marino discrimine terrestre periculum vitare, an istud illi preponere.
Translation From Zealand to Scania there are many routes; the shortest is that to Helsingborg, which is even within the range of vision. Scania is the province of Denmark fairest to look upon - whence also its name - well provided with men, opulent of crops, rich in merchandise, and now full of churches. Scania is twice as large as Zealand, that is it has three hundred churches, whereas Zealand is said to have half that number, and Fyn a third. Scania is the most remote part of Denmark, almost an island, for it is surrounded on all sides by sea except for one reach of land which, becoming mainland on the east, separates Sweden from Denmark. The densely wooded highlands and very rugged mountains, over which the road from Scania into Götaland necessarily runs, make one doubt whether perils by land are more easily avoided than perils by sea, and whether to prefer the former to the latter. (Trans. Tschan, p. 191)
Quotation source IV. 7 (pp. 234-235)
Temporal Coverage 1072 - 1076
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects