Stelle Egino vero cum esset vir sapiens in...; (Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076), IV.8 (p. 236)) [4930]

Basic Information
ID 4930
Text Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076) Adam of Bremen
Quotation Egino vero cum esset vir sapiens in litteris et castitate insignis, tunc etiam totum studium eius exarsit in conversione paganorum. Quapropter multos adhuc populos ydolorum cultui deditos ille vir Christo lucratus est, illos presertim barbaros, qui Pleicani dicuntur, et qui in Hulmo insula degunt affines Gothis. Qui omnes dicuntur ad eius predicationem conversi ad lacrimas penitentiam sui erroris ita monstrasse, ut confractis statim ydolis ultro certarent ad baptismum. Mox etiam tesauros et omnia, quae habebant, sternentes ad pedes episcopi flagitabant, quo haec ille dignaretur recipere. Quod renuens episcopus docuit eos ex eadem pecunia fabricare ecclesias, egenos alere [ac] redimere captivos, qui multi sunt in illis partibus.
Summary But since Egino was a man who knew letters and was remarkable for his chastity, he at that very time also directed his every effort ardently to the conversion of the pagans. On this account this man won to Christ many people hitherto given to the worship of idols, especially the barbarians called Pleicani and those who live near the Goths on the island of Bornholm. They all are said to have been moved to tears by his preaching and to have manifested such sorrow for their error that they immediately broke up their idols and of their own accord hastened to be baptised. Thereupon they also laid their valuables and everything they had at the bishop's feet, at the same time begging him to deign to accept their belongings. But the bishop, declining the offerings, taught them to build churches with that money, to succour the needy, and to ransom captives, of whom there are many in those parts. (Trans. Tschan, p. 192)
Quotation source IV.8 (p. 236)
Temporal Coverage 1057 - 1072
Associated use case(s)