Stelle At vero a parte aquilonari reverten...; (Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076), IV.14 (p. 242)) [4936]

Basic Information
ID 4936
Text Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076) Adam of Bremen
Quotation At vero a parte aquilonari revertentibus ad ostium Baltici freti, primi occurrunt Nortmanni, deinde Sconia prominet regio Danorum, et supra eam tenso limite Gothi habitant usque ad Bircam. Postea longis terrarum spatiis regnant Sueones usque ad terram feminarum. Supra illas Wizzi, Mirri, Lami, Scuti et Turci habitare feruntur usque ad Ruzziam. In qua denuo finem habet ille sinus. Itaque latera illius ponti ab austro Sclavi, ab aquilone Suedi possederunt.
Translation Returning now to the northern parts at the entrance of the Baltic Sea, first come the Norwegians; then Scania, which belongs to the Danes, juts out, and beyond it live the Goths in an extensive domain reaching to Björkö. After that the Swedes rule over a spacious region extending to the land of women. Beyond them, as far as Russia, are said to live the Wizzi, Mirri, Lami, Scuti, and Turci. In this area that sea again comes to an end. Thus, the Slavs possess the southern litoral of that sea; the Swedes, the northern. (Trans. Tschan, p. 196)
Quotation source IV.14 (p. 242)
Temporal Coverage 1072 - 1076
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects