Stelle Sunt et aliae interius, quae subiac...; (Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076), IV.16 (pp.243-244)) [4939]

Basic Information
ID 4939
Text Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum (1075 - 1076) Adam of Bremen
Quotation Sunt et aliae interius, quae subiacent imperio Sueonum, quarum vel maxima est illa, quae Churland dicitur; iter habet octo dierum; gens crudelissima propter nimium ydolatriae cultum fugitur ab omnibus. Aurum ibi plurimum, equi optimi; divinis, auguribus atque nigromanticis omnes domus plenae sunt, [qui etiam vestitu monachico induti sunt]. A toto orbe ibi responsa petuntur, maxime ab Hispanis et Grecis. Hanc insulam credimus in Vita sancti Ansgarii Chori nominatam, quam tunc Sueones tributo subiecerunt. Una ibi nunc facta est ecclesia, cuiusdam studio negotiatoris, quem rex Danorum multis ad hoc illexit muneribus. Ipse rex gaudens in Domino recitavit mihi hanc cantilenam.
Translation There are also other more distant islands that are subject to the authority of the Swedes. Of these islands the largest, the one called Courland, takes eight days to traverse. The people, exceedingly bloodthirsty because of their stubborn devotion to idolatry, are shunned by everybody. Gold is very plentiful there, the horses are of the best; all the houses are full of pagan soothsayers, diviners, and necromancers, who are even arrayed in a monastic habit. Oracular responses are sought there from all parts of the world, especially by Spaniards and Greeks. This island, we believe, is called Chori in the Vita of Saint Ansgar, and the Swedes at that time subjected it to tribute. A church has now been built there through the zeal of a merchant whom the king of the Danes moved to do this by many gifts. The king himself, rejoicing in the Lord, recited this canticle for me. (Trans. Tschan, pp. 197-8)
Quotation source IV.16 (pp.243-244)
Temporal Coverage 1072 - 1076
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects