Stelle Mandate mihi per litteras, quomodo ...; (Epistolae (Alcuin) (784 - 804), Epist. 6 (p. 31)) [4949]

Basic Information
ID 4949
Text Epistolae (Alcuin) (784 - 804) Alcuin of York
Quotation Mandate mihi per litteras, quomodo habeatis vel quid faciatis; et quomodo consentiant vobis Saxones in praedicatione; et si spes ulla sit de Danorum converisone; et si Wilti vel Vionudi, Quos nuper adquisivit rex (Carolus, Anm. ed.), fidem Christi accipiant; et quid illis in partibus agatur; et quid de Hunorum hoste dominus rex acturus sit.
Translation Write to tell me how you are and what you are doing and how the Saxons agree with you over preaching and if there is any hope of converting the Danes and if the Wiltzes and Wends whom the King has recently conquered accept the Christian faith and what is happening in those parts and what our lord the King is going to do about our enemies the Huns. (Trans. Allott, no. 55, p. 71)
Summary Brief Nr. 6 (MGH p. 31): Alcuin schreibt an den Freund N. in Saxonia, AD 789 und bittet ihn über den Missionsfortschritt zu unterrichten sowie "was der König (=Karl der Große) gegen die Hunnen (=Avaren) zu machen gedenkt."
Quotation source Epist. 6 (p. 31)
Temporal Coverage 789 - 789
Associated use case(s)