Stelle (6) Primo sciat dilectio tua, quod ...; (Epistolae (Alcuin) (784 - 804), Epist. 7 (p. 32)) [4950]

Basic Information
ID 4950
Text Epistolae (Alcuin) (784 - 804) Alcuin of York
Quotation (6) Primo sciat dilectio tua, quod miserante Deo sancta eius ecclesia in partibus Europae pacem habet, proficit et crescit. Nam antiqui Saxones et omnes Frisonum populi, instante rege Karolo, alios premiis et alios minis sollicitante ad fidem Christi conversi sunt. (10) Sed anno transacti idem rex cum exercitu inruit super Sclavos, quos nos Vionudos dicimus, eosque suae subegit dicioni. Greci vero tertio anno cum classe cenerunt un Italiam; et, a ducibus regis praefati victi, fugerunt ad naves. Quattuor milia es illis occisi et mille captivi feruntur. Similar et Avari, quos nos Hunos dicimus, exarserunt in Italiam et, a christianis (15) superati, domum cum obprobrio reversi sunt. Nec non et super Baugariam inruerunt, et ipsi ab exercitu christiano superati et dispersi sunt. Etiam et eisudem christianissimi regis duces et tribuni multam partem Hispaniae tulerunt a Saracenis, quasi trecenta milia in longum per maritima. Sed heu pro dolor, quod idem maledicti Saraceni, qui et Aggareni, tota dominantur Affrica, et Asia (20) maiore maxima ex parte. De quorum egressione tue venerande prudentiae dudum ut estimo, scripsi.
Translation First, you must know that through the mercy of God his holy church in Europe has peace and advances and grows. For the Old Saxons and all the Frisian peoples have been converted to the faith of Christ through the efforts of King Charles, who urges some by rewards and others by threats. In the past year the same king invaded the Slavs, whom we call Wends, and brought them under his sway. Two years ago the Greeks invaded Italy by sea, but were defeated by the King's commanders and fled to their ships. Four thousand of them are said to have been killed and a thousand taken prisoner. Similarly the Avars, whom we call Huns, raided Italy and being defeated by the Christians returned home in ignominy. They also descended upon Bavaria and were themselves overcome by the Christian army and scattered. Also the commanders and thanes of the same most Christian king have taken a large part of Spain from the Saracens, a coastal strip of about three hundred miles. But alas! these cursed Saracens, also called Aggareni, are masters of all Africa and most of Asia. I wrote to your reverence about their invasion before, I think. (Trans. Allott, no. 31, pp. 42-3)
Summary Alcuin, Epist. Nr. 7, p. 32: 790, Alkuin schreibt an Colcu über die Bekehrung der Sachsen und Friesen sowie die Siege über Wenden (Vionudi), Byzantiner ( Graeci) und Hunnen (Awaren), sowie Sarrazenen.
Quotation source Epist. 7 (p. 32)
Temporal Coverage 790 - 790
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects