Stelle Idem similiter et alia pugna commis...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), p. 80 (part 2)) [4993]

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ID 4993
Text Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Idem similiter et alia pugna commissa est inter Avaros in loco, cuius vocabulum est . . . ., et Francis, qui in Italia commanere videntur; opitulante Domino victoriam obtinuerunt Franci, et Avari cum contumelia reversi sunt, fuga lapsi sine victoria. Tertia pugna commissa est inter Baioarios et Avaros in campo Ibose, et fuerunt ibi missi domni regis Caroli Grahamannus et Audaccrus cum aliquibus Francis; Domino auxiliante victoria fuit Francorum seu Baioariorum. Et ista omnia supradictus dux Tassilo seu malivola uxor eius, Liutberga Deo odibilis, per fraudem consiliaverunt, Quarta pugna fuit commissa ab Avaris, qui voluerunt vindictam peragere contra Baioarios. Ibi similiter fuerunt missi domni regis Caroli, et Domino protegente victoria christianorum aderat. Avari fugam incipientes, multa stragia ibidem facta est occidendo, et alii in Danubio fluvio vitam necando emiserunt.
Translation A battle also took place at . . . between the Avars and the Franks who were stationed in Italy. With the help of the Lord the Franks won; the Avars fled and returned home disgraced and defeated. A third battle was fought between Bavarians and Avars on the Ybbsfeld, and the emissaries of the Lord King Charles, Grahamannus and Otgar, were present with a number of Franks. With God's help victory went to Franks and Bavarians. All this Duke Tassilo and his rancorous wife, Liutberga, a woman hateful to God, had treacherously counseled. A fourth battle was started by the Avars, who wished to take revenge on the Bavarians. In this battle the emissaries of the Lord King Charles also took part, and since they were protected by the Lord the Christians won the victory. The Avars took to flight and in a great carnage many were struck down; others lost their lives by drowning in the Danube.
Summary In 788, after the removal of duke Tassilo (III) of Bavaria by Charlemagne, the Avars attack and three battles took place: in an unknown location probably in Italy, at the Ybbsfeld and at the Danube. Tasslo was held responsible for these aggressions of the Avars.
Quotation source p. 80 (part 2)
Temporal Coverage 788 - 788
Associated use case(s)