Stelle DCCLXXXVIII. Tunc domnus rex Carolu...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), p. 80 (part 1)) [4992]

Basic Information
ID 4992
Text Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation DCCLXXXVIII. Tunc domnus rex Carolus congregans synodum ad iamdictam villam Ingilenhaim, ibique veniens Tassilo ex iussione domni regis, sicut et ceteri eius vassi; et coeperunt fideles Baioarii dicere, quod Tassilo fidem suam salvam non haberet, nisi postea fraudulens apparuit, postquam filium suum dedit cum aliis obsidibus et sacramenta, suadente uxore sua Liutbergane. Quod et Tassilo denegare non potuit, sed confessus est postea ad Avaros transmisisse, vassos supradicti domni regis ad se adortasse et in vitam eorum consiliasse; et homines suos, quando iurabant, iubebat, ut aliter in mente retinerent et sub dolo iurarent; et quid magis, confessus est se dixisse, etiamsi decem filios haberet, omnes voluisset perdere, antequam placita sic manerent vel stabile permitteret, sicut iuratum habuit; et etiam dixit, melius se mortuum esse quam ita vivere.
Translation The Lord King Charles convoked an assembly at the villa of Ingelheim. Tassilo came there as well as his other vassals on the order of the Lord King. Loyal Bavarians began to say that Tassilo, egged on by his wife,' was breaking his fealty and showing himself as downright treacherous, after he had surrendered his son with the other hostages and taken oaths. Tassilo could not deny it, but confessed later that he had made overtures to the Avars, had ordered the vassals of the Lord King to come to him, and had made an attempt on their lives. When his people took oaths, he told them to make mental reservations and swear falsely. What is worse, he confessed to having said that even if he had ten sons, he would rather have them all perish than keep the agreements and stand by what he had sworn. He also said that he would rather be dead than live like this.
Summary In 788 Charlemagne held an assembly at Ingelheim. There he had an confrontation with duke Tassilo (III) of Bavaria who confessed, amongst other things, to have sent emissaries to the Avars.
Quotation source p. 80 (part 1)
Temporal Coverage 788 - 791
Associated use case(s)