Stelle Ὅτι ὁ Σιλζίβουλος ὁ τῶν Τούρκων ἡγε...; (Historia (continuation of Agathias), Fr. 4.2 (pp. 44-47)) [5028]

Basic Information
ID 5028
Text Historia (continuatio Agathiae) (557 - 582) Menander, the Guardsman
Quotation Ὅτι ὁ Σιλζίβουλος ὁ τῶν Τούρκων ἡγεμών, ἠκηκόει γὰρ ἢδη τῶν Ἀβάρων τῆς φυγῆς πέρι καὶ ὡς τὰ Τούρκων διαδηλησάμενοι ᾤχοντο, οἷα φύσει φρονήματι ἕπεται βαρβάρῳ, ἀπαυθαδισάμενος ἔφη ὠς οὔτε ὄρνεις πεφύκασιν, ὅπως τῇ πτήσει ἀνὰ τὸν αἰθέρα διαφύγοιεν τῶν Τούρκων τὰ ξίφη, οὔτε μὴν ἰχθύες, ὡς ἂν ὑποβρύχιοι γενόμενοι ἐς τὰ κατώτατα τοῦ θαλαττίου ἀφανισθήσονται κλύδωνος, ἀλλ᾿ ὕπερθε περινοστοῦσι τῆς γῃς· καὶ ἡνίκα μοι ὁ κατὰ τῶν Ἐφθαλιτῶν διανυσθήσεται πόλεμος, ἐπιθήσομαι καὶ Ἀβάροις καὶ τὰς ἐμὰς ἥκιστα φευξοῦνται δυνάμεις. ταῦτα λέγεται ἐπικομπάσαντα τὸν Σιλζίβουλον ἔχεσθαι τῆς ἐπ᾿ Ἐφθαλίτας ὁρμῆς.
Translation When Silzibul, the leader of the Turks (Toúrkoi), learned of the flight of the Avars (Ábaroi) and the damage they caused to Turkish possessions at their departure, as is naturally the case with barbarians he declared boastfully, “They are not birds that they can take to the sky to escape the sword of the Turks (Toúrkoi), nor are they fish that they can take to the water and hide in the depths of the sea; but they must travel the earth. When I have ended the war with the Ephthalites (Éphthalítai), I shall attack the Avars (Ábaroi) and they shall not escape my might.” It is said that with this boast Silzibul continued his war against the Ephthalites (Éphthalítai).
Summary Silzibul (Istämi), leader of the Western Turks threatens the Avars. Mention of his ongoing war against the Ephthalites.
Quotation source Fr. 4.2 (pp. 44-47)
Temporal Coverage 558 - 562
Associated use case(s)