Stelle Ipse vero peracta autumnali venatio...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), year 822, p. 159) [5027]

Basic Information
ID 5027
Text Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Ipse vero peracta autumnali venatione trans Rhenum ad hiemandum in loco, qui Franconofurd appellatur, profectus est. Ibique generali conventu congregato necessaria quaeque ad utilitatem orientalium partium regni sui pertinentia more solemni cum optimatibus, quos ad hoc evocare iusserat, tractare curavit. In quo conventu omnium orientalium Sclavorum, id est Abodritorum, Soraborum, Wilzorum, Beheimorum, Marvanorum, Praedenecentorum, et in Pannonia residentium Abarum legationes cum muneribus ad se directas audivit.
Translation When the chase in the fall was over, the emperor crossed the Rhine and went to Frankfurt to spend the winter there. At Frankfurt he convoked a general assembly, and with the magnates whom he had ordered to appear there he took care, as usual, of all that pertained to the welfare of the eastern parts of his kingdom. At this assembly he received embassies and presents from all the East Slavs, that is, Obodrites, Sorbs, Wilzi, Bohemians, Moravians, and Praedenecenti, and from the Avars living in Pannonia.
Summary The emperor crossed the rhine and had his winter quarters at Frankfurt, where in November 822 he held a general assembly to talk about the eastern parts of his kingdom. At this assembly he received embassies from all the East Slavs and from the Avars.
Quotation source year 822, p. 159
Temporal Coverage 822 - 822
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