Stelle Reginbern autem ipse erat, qui pugn...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), i.31 (p. 44)) [5036]

Basic Information
ID 5036
Text Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973) Widukind of Corvey
Quotation Reginbern autem ipse erat, qui pugnavit contra Danos multo tempore Saxoniam vastantes, vicitque eos, liberans patriam ab illorum incursionibus usque in hodiernum diem. Et hi erant stirpis magni ducis Widukindi, qui bellum potens gessit contra Magnum Karolum per triginta ferme annos.
Translation Reginbern was the one who fought against those Danes, who had been devastating Saxony for a long time, and defeated them, freeing his fatherland from their attacks up to the present day.215 These brothers were descended from the great leader Widukind, who waged war against Charlemagne for almost thirty years. (Trans. Bacharach, p. 45)
Summary Widukind tells about the family (brother) of Mathilda, wife of Henry I.
Quotation source i.31 (p. 44)
Temporal Coverage 896 - 968
Associated use case(s)