Stelle ἐπεὶ δὲ τὰ πεϱὶ τῶν Ψευδαβάϱων ὡς ἐ...; (Theophylacti Simocattae Historiarum libri octo (630 - 640), 7.8.6-11 (p. 259)) [5050]

Basic Information
ID 5050
Text Theophylacti Simocattae Historiarum libri octo (630 - 640) Theophylact Simocatta
Quotation ἐπεὶ δὲ τὰ πεϱὶ τῶν Ψευδαβάϱων ὡς ἐν ἐπιτομῇ διεξήλϑομεν, πϱὸς τὰ συνεχῆ τῆς ἱστοϱίας τὴν ἔϰϑεσιν ποιησώμεϑα. τοῦ τοίνυν Ὀγώϱ λίαν ἐγϰϱατῶς νενιϰημένου, τὸν τοῦ Κὸλχ ἐϑνάϱχην στόματι ῥομφαίας ὁ Χαγάνος παϱέδωϰεν. ἀναιϱοῦνται τοίνυν ἐϰ τούτου δῆτα τοῦ ἔϑνους ϰατὰ τὸν πόλεμον μυϱιάδες τϱιάϰοντα, ὡς ὁδὸν ἡμεϱὼν τεττάϱων ἐπέχειν τὴν τῶν ϰαταπεπτωϰότων σωμάτων συνέχειαν. οὕτω δῆτα τῆς νίϰης τῷ Χαγάνῳ μειδιώσης ἐπιφανῶς, συγϰϱοτεῖται τοῖς Τούϱϰοις ἐμφύλιος πόλεμος. ἀνήϱ τις Τουϱοὺμ ὀνομαζόμενος, πϱὸς γένος ϰαϑεστὠς τῷ Χαγάνῳ, νεωτεϱίσας δυνάμεις μεγάλας συνήϑϱοισεν. ἐπεὶ δὲ ϰατὰ τὴν μάχην τὰ τοῦ τετυϱαννηϰότος ἦν ἐγϰϱατέστεϱα, πϱοσβεύεται ὁ Χαγάνος πϱὸς ἑτέϱους τϱεῖς μεγάλους Χαγάνους· ταῦτα δὲ τούτοις ὀνόματα, Σπαϱζευγοῦν ϰαὶ Κουναξολὰν ϰαὶ Τουλδίχ. συναϑϱοισϑείσης τοίνυν τῆς ὅλης ἐϰτάξεως εἰς τὸ Ἰϰαϱ (χὼϱος δὲ οὗτος πεδίοις ἐνειλημένος μεγάλοις), τῶν τε ἀντιϑέτων ϰατὰ τοῦτον δῆτα τὸν τόπον ἀντιταξαμένων ἡϱωϊϰῶς, πίπτει ὁ τύϱαννος ϰαὶ εἰς φυγὴν αἱ συμμαχοῦσαι δυνάμεις ἐξέϰλιναν, ϰαὶ πολλοῦ γενομένου τοῦ φόνου πάλιν ϰύϱιος τῆς ἑαυτοῦ ὁ Χαγάνος χώϱας ἐγένετο. τούτων τῶν ἐπινιϰίων τὴν μήνυσιν διὰ τῶν πϱέσβεων ὁ Χαγάνος πϱὸς τὸν αὐτοϰϱάτοϱα Μαυϱίϰιον ἐπεποίητο.
Translation 7.8.6-11 (p. 190): But since we have, as it were, summarily detailed this information about the Pseudo-Avars (Pseudábaroi), let us move our exposition towards the continuity of the narrative. Then, after the Ogur (Ogṑr) had been quite soundly defeated, the Chagan (Khagános) handed over to the jaws of the sword the ruler of the nation (ethnárkhēs) of Kolch. Then three hundred thousand of this particular tribe (éthnos) were slain in the battle, so that the continuous line of fallen corpses extended for a four days' journey. While indeed victory was thus gloriously smiling on the Chagan (Khagános), the Turks (Toȗrkoi) clashed in civil war. A certain man named Turum, who was connected to the Chagan (Khagános) by birth, revolted and collected great forces. When the usurper's party had gained the upper hand in battle, the Chagan (Khagános) sent an embassy to three other great Chagans. These were their names: Sparzeugun, Kunaxolan, and Tuldich. Then, after their whole array had assembled at the Ikar (this is a place enfolded in great plains), and their opponents had valiantly arrayed themselves in opposition at that particular place, the usurper fell, and his allied forces veered away in flight; after much slaughter the Chagan (Khagános) again became the master of his own territory. The Chagan (Khagános) had made a declaration of these triumphs to the emperor (autokrátōr) Maurice via the ambassadors.
Summary The same letter describes the bloody war against the Kolch and a civil war.
Quotation source 7.8.6-11 (p. 259)
Temporal Coverage 595 - 595
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects