Stelle 788: Huni vero, sicut Tassiloni pro...; (Annales qui dicuntur Einhardi (814 - 817), year 788, p. 83) [5062]

Basic Information
ID 5062
Text Annales qui dicuntur Einhardi (814 - 817) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 788: Huni vero, sicut Tassiloni promiserunt, duobus exercitibus comparatis uno marcam Foroiuliensem, altero Baioariam adgressi sunt, sed frustra; nam in utroque loco victi fugatique sunt et multis suorum amissis cim magno danno ad loca sua se receperunt. Quam iniuriam velut vindicaturi iterum Baioaria maioribus copiis petierunt, sed in prima congressione pulsi a Baioariis et innumera multitudo eorum caesa, multi etiam es eis, qui per fugam evadere conati Danubium tranare voluerunt, gurgitibus fluminis absorbti sunt.
Translation 788: The Huns, as they had promised Tassilo, prepared two armies and attacked the March of Friuli with one and Bavaria with the other; but it was in vain. In both places they were defeated and put to flight and withdrew to their homes with great injury after losing many of their men. Planning to avenge this defeat, they again came to Bavaria with larger forces but were repulsed by the Bavarians in the first engagement, and an uncountable number of them were slain. In addition, many who attempted to flee and wanted to swim across the Danube were sucked down by the whirlpools of the river.
Summary In order to help Tassilo, the Avars attacked Friuli and Bavaria, but they were defeated. They tried again but were repulsed by the Bavarians and many were slain or drowned in the Danube.
Quotation source year 788, p. 83
Temporal Coverage 788 - None
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