Stelle Solus dux Bernhardus in media rever...; (Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018), iii.24 (p. 128)) [5063]

Basic Information
ID 5063
Text Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018) Thietmar of Merseburg
Quotation Solus dux Bernhardus in media revertitur via; namque una ex urbibus suis <...>, quam imperator contra Danos opere ac presidio firmavit, dolo ab hiis denuo capta cesis defensoribus eiusdem incensa est. Anno dominicae incarnationis DCCCCLXXXIII. inperator Verone placitum habuit, et Heinricus minor exilio solutus dux Bawariorum effectus est. Et in hoc anno Sclavi unanimiter restiterunt cesari et Thiedrico marchioni. Et filius inperatoris ab omnibus in dominum eligitur.
Translation Only Duke Bernhard, though already under way, had to retrace his steps, because one of the burgs [lacuna] which the emperor had secured against the Danes with a wall and a garrison, had been recaptured by them through treachery and burned to the ground following the murder of all its defenders. In the year 983 of the Incarnation of the Lord, the emperor held court at Verona and Henry the Younger, having been released from exile, was made duke of the Bavarians. And in this same year, the Slavs united in resistance to the emperor and Margrave Dietrich. Also, the emperor's son was unanimously elected lord. (Trans. Warner, p. 146)
Quotation source iii.24 (p. 128)
Temporal Coverage 983 - 983
Associated use case(s)
Comment The name of the city is left blank in the manuscript but the context refers to the Danish border. This conflict is traditionally placed at Schleswig. (Laura Gazzoli)