Stelle Exspectabili itaque ordine flatu se...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), ii.5 (p. 20)) [5075]

Basic Information
ID 5075
Text Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041) Anonymous - History
Quotation Exspectabili itaque ordine flatu secundo Sanduich, qui est omnium Anglorum portuum famosissimus, sunt appulsi, eiectisque anchoris, batulis exploratores se dedunt littori, et citissime finitima tellure explorata ad nota recurrunt nauigia, regique edicunt, adesse resistentium parata milia. Patrienses enim regi Danisque feruentissime rebellare ardentes, quas sibi ad luctam sufficere credebant adunauerant phalanges, conglobatique et in unum conspirati aduolitabant dextris nobilium morituri.
Translation And so in good order and with a favourable wind they touched at Sandwich, which is the most famous of all the ports of the English, and after they had dropped anchor, scouts went ashore in boats, and having made a very rapid examination of the immediate neighbourhood, returned to the familiar ships, and reported toe the kidn that thousands of opponents were present in readiness. For the natives, burning most fiercely to renew the war against the king and the Danes, had assembled squadrons which they believed to suffice them for the struggle, and gathered together and acting as one pressed on, doomed to die at the hands of the nobles. (Translation: Campbell 1949, p. 21).
Summary Cnut arrives to take control of England in 1014 following his father Svend's death.
Quotation source ii.5 (p. 20)
Temporal Coverage 1014 - 1014
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects