SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Dani antiquitus erant Christiani, s...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), iii.65 (p. 140)) [5044]>, <Stelle: Regem Danorum Sueinum, inquam, ueri...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), i.1 (p. 8)) [5073]>, <Stelle: Translatio corporis Sueini in Danom...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), ii.3 (p. 18)) [5074]>, <Stelle: Exspectabili itaque ordine flatu se...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), ii.5 (p. 20)) [5075]>]> - Dani, [wurzel: dan]

Basic Information
Keyword Dani, [wurzel: dan]
Comment The Kingdom of Denmark following the accession and consolidation of Harald Bluetooth and his son, Svend Forkbeard, before the further conquests of Cnut. The borders are uncertain, but it is safe to say that Harald's power extended over Jutland, Fyn and Sjælland - with his capital at Jelling, and ring-forts throughout these areas and potentially beyond (see the points on the map). His power of Skåne may have been less, but it was certainly part of Svend Forkbeard's realm, as the city of Lund was founded in his time.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((11.821289 57.136239, 10.986328 58.447733, 11.601563 59.977005, 10.546875 60.8877, 9.272461 59.998986, 7.536621 56.920997, 7.800293 54.136696, 8.594055000000001 54.417332, 8.995056 54.476422, 9.975586 54.476422, 12.106934 54.597528, 14.831543 55.590763, 14.47998 56.438204, 11.821289 57.136239))
Points and lines SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (9.254798887871411 56.99541251895412), POINT (9.770512579512452 56.62323981397292), POINT (11.2653398498125 55.39418090396296), POINT (10.38795709465529 55.39191416882638), POINT (12.12253093550749 55.46964007561803), POINT (13.03684234437489 55.75141977705513), POINT (9.420366285918778 55.75725693787872))
Degree of uncertainty 6
  • Dani antiquitus erant Christiani, s...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), iii.65 (p. 140)) [5044]
  • Regem Danorum Sueinum, inquam, ueri...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), i.1 (p. 8)) [5073]
  • Translatio corporis Sueini in Danom...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), ii.3 (p. 18)) [5074]
  • Exspectabili itaque ordine flatu se...; (Encomium Emmae reginae (1040 - 1041), ii.5 (p. 20)) [5075]