Stelle Sed redeamus ad Claudium. nam, ut s...; (Historia Augusta (381 - 420), Divus Claudius 6.1-3.) [5083]

Basic Information
ID 5083
Text Historia Augusta (381 - 420) Anonymous - History
Quotation Sed redeamus ad Claudium. nam, ut superius diximus, illi Gothi, qui evaserant eo tempore quo illos Marcianus est persecutus, quosque Claudius emitti non siverat, ne id​ fieret quod effectum est, omnes gentes suorum ad Romanas incitaverunt praedas. denique Scytharum diversi populi, Peucini, Greuthungi, Austrogothi, Tervingi, Visi,​ Gepedes, Celtae etiam et Eruli, praedae cupiditate in Romanum solum inruperunt​ atque illic pleraque vastarunt, quod confecit imperatorie instruit, ut videantur fata Romana boni principis occupatione lentata, sed credo, ut Claudii gloria adcresceret eiusque fieret gloriosior toto penitus orbe victoria.
Translation But let us return to Claudius. For, as we have said before, those Goths who had escaped when Marcianus chastised them​ and those whom Claudius, hoping to prevent what actually came to pass, had not allowed to break forth,​ fired all the tribes of their fellow-countrymen with the hope of Roman booty.​ Finally, the various tribes of the Scythians, the Peucini, Greuthungi, Austrogothi, Tervingi, Visi, and Gepedes, and also the Celts and the Eruli, in their desire for plunder burst into Roman territory and there proceeded to ravage many districts; for meanwhile Claudius was busied with other things and was making preparation, like a true commander, for that war which he finally brought to an end; and so it may seem that the destiny of Rome was retarded by the diligence of an excellent prince, but I, for my part, believe that it so came to pass in order that the glory of Claudius might be enhanced and his victory have a greater renown throughout the whole world.
Quotation source Divus Claudius 6.1-3.
Temporal Coverage 269 - 269
Associated use case(s)