Stelle Eodem tempore Chuni Gallias adpetun...; (Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770), Lib. III, c. 55. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 108) [5096]

Basic Information
ID 5096
Text Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770) Fredegar
Quotation Eodem tempore Chuni Gallias adpetunt, contra quos Sigybertus movit exercitum, eosque vicit atque fugavit. Postea cum eis pacem inivit.
Translation At the same time the Huns invaded Gaul; Sigibert led an army against them and defeated them and drove them away. He later made peace with them.
Summary At this time, the Avars attacked Gallia. King Sigibert fought them successfully and, afterwards, made peace with them.
Quotation source Lib. III, c. 55. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 108
Associated use case(s)
Comment Commentary A. Kusternig, Quellen zur Geschichte des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts, p. 127: Compare Gregor IV 23. This refers to the Avars.