Stelle (2) Item Hludowicus volumus ut habe...; (Capitularia Hludowici Pii (814 - 827), 136, Ordinatio Imperii, MGH Capit. I., p. 171) [5104]

Basic Information
ID 5104
Text Capitularia Hludowici Pii (814 - 827) Anonymous - Other
Quotation (2) Item Hludowicus volumus ut habeat Baioariam et Carentanos et Beheimos et Avaros atque Sclavos qui ab orientali parte Baioariae sunt, et insuper duas villas dominicales ad suum servitium in pago Nortgaoe Luttraof et Ingoldesstat.
Translation We want Louis (the German) to have Bavaria and the regions of the Carantans, Beheims, Avars and Slaves who are in the istern part of Bawaria and also two manorial villages at his service in the Nordgau, that is Lauterhofen and Ingolsdtadt.
Summary Louis the Pious divides his empire between his sons and defines the respective realm.
Quotation source 136, Ordinatio Imperii, MGH Capit. I., p. 171
Temporal Coverage 817 - 817
Associated use case(s)
Comment The mentioned villages are Lauterhofen and Ingolsdtadt, see Divisio Regnorum 806 c. 2 p.127.