Stelle [...] quasdam res proprietatis nost...; (Diploma Ludovicus Germanicus a. 836 (836 - 836), DD LdD Nr. 18, p. 21) [5103]

Basic Information
ID 5103
Text Diploma Ludovici Germanici a. 836 (836 - 836) Anonymous - Diplomas
Quotation [...] quasdam res proprietatis nostrae quae sunt in provintia Auarorum in loco qui dicitus Kirichbach, id es ecclesiam unam constructam cum territorio ad mansos, quarum termina sunt ab ipso loco pergens unam semitam usque ad locum qui dicitur (tumulus, interpolated ca. 10/11. c.) et inde per circuitum usque ad praedictum Kirichbach et inde usque ad markam Theotherii et inde usque sursum Cumenberg.
Translation property that lies in the province of the Avars in a place called Kirchbach, that is one church with land and mansis of which the boundaries are from this place along a path to a place called (?) and from there around to the aforementionend Kirchbach and from there to the marca of Theotheri and from there until upwards the Cumenberg (=Cumeoberg/ today Wienerwald/Viennese Woods)
Summary King Louis the German gives the church of Passau a church and property in a place in the provintia Auarorum called (Kirchbach) for the livelong use of chorbishop Anno and his nephew Anno.
Quotation source DD LdD Nr. 18, p. 21
Temporal Coverage 836 - 836
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment Kirichbach/Kirchbach is today St. Andrä Wördern, see Österreichisches Namensbuch p. 593 and ONB NÖ 3, 240.