Keywords |
ID |
5364 |
Text |
Liutprand Leges Anni XIV (726 - 726) Liutprand |
Quotation |
De omnibus iudicibus quando in exercito ambolare necessitas fuerit non dimittant alios homenis nisi tantummodo qui unum cavallo habent hoc est homines sex… sculdahis veri dimittat hominis tres… Saltarius quidem tollat cavallo uno… |
Translation |
When it is necessary for all of our judges to go out with the army, they shall leave behind six men-each of whom has no more than one horse… The schultheis [legal official] shall leave three men… The saltarius [forester] shall leave one horse…
(Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 179) |
Summary |
Liutprand, No. 83 addresses the situation when various ranks of legal offical have to join the army, and the number of people they are permitted to leave behind to look after their property: The people who can be left behind are further split into two broad groups, those who possess a horse, and those who have no property who are each to undertake three acts of labour a week for the legal official. The judge [iudex] is permitted to leave behind six men with horses, and ten without, the Sculdahis, a local legal official, three men with horses and five without, and the Forester [saltarius] one of each. If more are left without royal permission, then the legal official must pay compositon equal to his wergild to the royal fisc. |
Quotation source |
MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 140-41 |
Temporal Coverage |
726 - 726 |
Associated use case(s) |
Comment |
The Liutprand Leges Anno XIV form part of the Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098] and in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984]. |