Stelle …ipsius auxiliante misericordia ea ...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 185-86) [5406]

Basic Information
ID 5406
Text [II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746 (746 - 746) Ratchis
Quotation …ipsius auxiliante misericordia ea que genti nobis commissa conveniunet id est catholie et Deo dilecte Langobardorum statuenda previdimus. Quoniam gloriosissimus ac precelsus Rothari rex huius gentis Langobardorum princeps sibi Deo inspirante leges inseruit atque innovavit… Deinde successor eius Grimouald precellentissimus rex… Liuptrand…in edicti pagina cum suis Langobardis ac iudicibus confirmavit… ego divino auxilio Ratchis…cum gentis nostrae id est Langobardorum iudicibus tam de Austriae quam et de Neustriae vel Tusciae finibus… eo quod gloriosus Rothari rex in edicti pagini statuerat inter crediorem et debitorem sue fideiussorem intentione orta quo tinore wadia dedisset et debitor statutae causae tinore negaverit licentiam ei esset aut per sagramento aut per arma ipso tinore negare. Sed nobis et nostris iudicibus atque Langobardis adstantibus iustum conparuit ut hoc periurium fieret rescatum.
Translation … with his compassion to aid us we have undertaken to establish such laws as are fitting for our people, the Catholic Lom-bards, chosen of God. When the most glorious and lofty King Rothari, king of the Lombard nation, with royal care and under the inspiration of God recorded and established laws… And so his successor, the most excellent King Grimwald… Liutprand …. confirmed with his judges and the rest of the Lombards all those laws which he added to the law-book… I, Ratchis, with divine aid… acting together with the judges of the Lombard nation, those from Austria and from Neustria as well as from the bounds of Tuscany… But it seems just to us and to our judges and to the Lombards present that the cause of this perjury be eliminated (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), pp. 218-19)
Summary The prologue to the laws of issued in the second year of his reign (746 CE) begins by restating the previous phases of Lombard law-giving through Rothari, Grimwald and Liutprand. It then introduces Ratchis' law-giving with a dating clause, and states that the laws were issued with the judges from Austria, Neustria and Tuscany. The prologue then goes on to give the reasons for issuing the new legislation, that is, to emend the law on pledges to prevent perjury, and concludes by stating that it has the approval of the Lombards and of the judges.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 185-86
Temporal Coverage 746 - 746
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment The Ratchis Leges (II) form part of the Leges Ratchis [Text, ID:1116] and in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].