Stelle Zitat …de donationes illas quae fac...; (Ahistulfi Legis anno I (750 - 750), MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 196) [5418]

Basic Information
ID 5418
Text Ahistulfi Legis anno I (750 - 750) Aistulf
Quotation Zitat …de donationes illas quae facte sunt a Rachis rege et Tassia coniuge ipsius ut omnia illa precepta quae postea facta sunt postquam Aistolf factus est rex stare nullatenus debeant nisi per Ahistolfus regem ei denuo cui donatum est fuerit concessum.
Translation …concerning those gifts which were made by King Ratchis and his wife Tassia that all gifts made after Aistulf became king shall not be valid unless they were conceded again by King Aistulf to the man to whom they were originally given. (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 228)
Summary Aistulf, No. 1 negates the validity of all gifts from King Ratchis and his Queen Tassia that were made after Aistulf had become King unless they are then confirmed once more by Aistulf.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 196
Temporal Coverage 750 - 750
Associated use case(s)
Comment The Ahistulfi Leges (I) form part of the Leges Ahistulfi [Text, ID:1119] and in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].