Stelle Ὅτι Ῥοῦα βασιλεύοντος Οὔννων, Ἀμιλζ...; (Excerpta et fragmenta (441 - 474), Fr. 2.1-7, 2.40-45 (pp. 224-227)) [5461]

Basic Information
ID 5461
Text Excerpta et fragmenta (441 - 474) Priscus
Quotation Ὅτι Ῥοῦα βασιλεύοντος Οὔννων, Ἀμιλζούροις καὶ Ἰτιμάροις καὶ Τούνσουροι καὶ Βοΐσκοις καὶ έτέροις ἔϑνεσι προσοικοῦσι τὸν Ἴστρον καὶ ἐς τὴν Ῥωμαίων ὁμαιχμίαν καταφυγγάωουσιν ἐς μάχην ἐλϑεῖν προηρημένος ἐκπέμπει Ἤσλαν εἰωϑότα ἐπὶ τοῖς διαφόροις αύτῷ τε καὶ Ῥωμαίοις διακονεῖσϑαι. λύεω τὴν προϋπάχουσαν εἰρήνην ἀπειλῶν, εἰ μή γε πάντας τοὺς παρὰ σφᾶς καταφυγόντας ἐκδοῖεν. (…) οἱ δὲ παρὰ Ῥωμαίους καταφυγόντες ἐξεδόϑησαν βαρβάροις, ἐν οἷς καὶ παῖδες Μάμα καὶ Ἀτακὰμ τοῦ βασιλείου γένους, οὓς ἐν Καρσῷ φρουρίῳ Θρᾳκίῳ οἱ παρειληφότες ἐσταύρωσαν δίκας αὐτοὺς πραττόμενοι τὴς φυγῆς. Οἱ δὲ περὶ Ἀττήλαν καὶ Βλήδαν τὴν εἰρήνην πρὸς Ῥωμαίους ϑέμενοι διεξῄεσαν τὰ ἐν τῇ Σκυϑικῇ ἔϑνη χειρούμενοι καὶ πόλεμον πρὸς Σορόσγους συνεστήσαντο.
Translation When Rua was king of the Huns, the Amilzuri, Itimari, Tounsoures, Boisci and other tribes who were living near to the Danube were fleeing to fight on the side of the Romans. Rua decided to go to war with these tribes and sent Eslas, a man who usually handled negotiations over differences between himself and the Romans, threatening to break the present peace if they did not hand over all who had fled to them. (…) The fugitives amongst the Romans were handed back to the barbarians, amongst whom were Mama and Atakam, children of the royal house. Those who received them exacted the penalty for their flight by impaling them near to Carsum, a fortress in Thrace. When they had made peace with the Romans, Attila, Bleda and their forces marched through Scythia subduing the tribes there and also made war on the Sorosgi.
Summary Following the flight of members of several different tribes to the Romans, the ruler of the Huns, Rua, threatens to break the peace of they are not returned. After Rua's death, his nephews Attila and Bleda took over, and the fugitives the Romans had handed over, including members of the royal house, were killed. After the treaty of Margus, the Huns also make war on the Sorosgi among other tribes.
Quotation source Fr. 2.1-7, 2.40-45 (pp. 224-227)
Temporal Coverage 434 - 435
Associated use case(s)