Text Excerpta et fragmenta (441 - 474)

Metadaten zum Text
Old primary key None
Title Excerpta et fragmenta
Language Greek
Century 5th
To 474
not before 441
not after 474
Edition The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, ed./trans. Roger C. Blockey, 2 Bde., Liverpool 1981/83, pp. 222-37777
Genre Historiography
  • Priscus
  • Textstellen
    Basic Information
    PK None
    Name (de) Priskos von Panion
    Name (en) Priscus Panites
    Name (lat) Priscus
    Name (fr)
    Name (it) Prisco di Panion
    Name (gr) Πρίσκος/Priskos
    Jahrhundert 5th
    von 410/20
    bis 474
    Ort None
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/100537723
    Kommentar Dates of birth and death are approximate.