Stelle τὸν δὲ Σάϱβαϱον σὺν τῷ λοιπῷ αὐτοῦ ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes), AM 6117 (625/26) (p. 315.8-11)) [5483]

Basic Information
ID 5483
Text Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814) Theophanes the Confessor
Quotation τὸν δὲ Σάϱβαϱον σὺν τῷ λοιπῷ αὐτοῦ στϱατῷ ϰατὰ Κωνσταντινουπόλεως ἀπέστειλεν, ὅπως τοὺς ἐϰ δύσεως Οὔννους, οὓς Ἀβάϱους ϰαλοῦσιν, Βουλγάϱοις τε ϰαὶ Σϰλάβοις ϰαὶ Γηπαίδαις συμφωνήσας, ϰατὰ τῆς πόλεως χωϱήσωσι ϰαὶ ταύτην πολιοϱϰήσωσιν.
Translation AM 6117 (625/26) (p. 446) As for Sarbaros, he dispatched him with his remaining army against Constantinople with a view to establishing an alliance between the western Huns (who are called Avars) and the Bulgars, Slavs, and Gepids, and so advancing on the City and laying siege to it.
Summary Plan of a march on Constantinople of the Persian forces under Sarbaros (Sahrvaraz), mention of hopes of an alliance of Avars (called western Huns), Bulgars, Slavs and Gepids.
Quotation source AM 6117 (625/26) (p. 315.8-11)
Temporal Coverage 626 - 626
Associated use case(s)