Stelle ἤϰουσαν ταῦτα οἱ τῶν ϰάστϱων ἐϰείνω...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), ΑΜ 6203 (710/1) (p. 378)) [5525]

Basic Information
ID 5525
Text Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814) Theophanes the Confessor
Quotation ἤϰουσαν ταῦτα οἱ τῶν ϰάστϱων ἐϰείνων ϰαὶ ἑαυτοὺς ἠσφαλίσαντο, ϰαὶ ἀναγϰασϑέντες ϰατὰ τοῦ βασιλέως φϱονῆσαι ἀπέστειλαν πϱὸς τὸν Χαγάνον εἰς Χαζαϱίαν αἰτούμενοι λαὸν πϱὸς φυλαϰὴν αὐτῶν.
Translation ΑΜ 6203 (710/1) (p. 527) The inhabitants of those forts heard these things and put themselves on guard; being obliged to turn against the emperor, they wrote to the Chagan in Chazaria for an army to defend them.
Summary As a reaction to the attacks by Justinan II’s fleet, the inhabitants of several forts ask for an army to defend them from the khagan in Chazaria.
Quotation source ΑΜ 6203 (710/1) (p. 378)
Temporal Coverage 710 - 711
Associated use case(s)