Stelle Hludowicus, Italiae imperator, una ...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 866, p. 81) [5549]

Basic Information
ID 5549
Text Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882) Hincmar of Reims
Quotation Hludowicus, Italiae imperator, una cum uxore sua Ingelberga in Beneventum contra Sarracenos movit.
Translation trans. Nelson, a. 866, p. 130: Emperor Louis of Italy, together with his wife Engelberga, advanced to Benevento against the Saracens.
Summary Louis II and his wife Angilberga go to Benevento in order to combat the Saracens.
Quotation source a. 866, p. 81
Temporal Coverage 866 - 866
Associated use case(s)