Stelle Invitatus itaque Lodoguicus cesar, ...; (Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum (880 - 890), trans. Ferry, 32, pp. 174-175) [5548]

Basic Information
ID 5548
Text Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum (880 - 890) Erchempert
Quotation Invitatus itaque Lodoguicus cesar, ut predixi, in commune a Beneventanis, Capuanis cunctisque cummarcanis ad tuitionem perditae (…) Beneventi fines per Suram ingreditur atque prius monasterio Benedicti beati applicuit; quo ad eum legati de diversis urbibus venerunt; inter quos Landulfus iam dictus et nepotes sui ex diverso venerunt. Susceptis igitur augustis, hoc est vir et coniux, a Berthario venerabili abbate officiosissime, Landulfus ad solitam vergens fallaciam, Capuanos, quos cesari presentaverat, fugere compulit; ipse solus cum eo remansit, quasi satisfaciens, se nil culpabile penes eum gessisse.
Translation And so the emperor Louis was summoned for a common end, as I said earlier, by the Beneventans and all of the Capuans and dwellers of the border land, for the protection of their wretched country. (…) The emperor entered the borders of Benevento through Sura (Sora) and arrived first at the monastery of the blessed Benedict; ambassadors from the various cities came from different directions, among whom Landulf and his nephews came from different directions. After the imperial couple had been received most courteously by the venerable abbot Bertharius, Landulf, inclining to his usual deception, forced the Capuans (whom he had presented to the emperor) to flee; he himself alone remained with him, as though making amends that he was behaving blamelessly in remaining with him.
Summary Emperor Louis II, following preceding pleas for help, approaches Benevento passing through Sora, making a stop at the monastery St Benedict at Montecassino.
Quotation source trans. Ferry, 32, pp. 174-175
Temporal Coverage 866 - 866
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Spatial Coverage Objects