Stelle Cur autem iam dicto augusto supradi...; (Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum (880 - 890), trans. Ferry, 37, pp. 184-185) [5562]

Basic Information
ID 5562
Text Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum (880 - 890) Erchempert
Quotation Cur autem iam dicto augusto supradictum opprobrium Domino premittente Beneventani inferre quiverint (...) secundo quia, capta Vari et Saugdan, omnium hominum flagitiossimo, non iuxta voluntatem Domini eum protinus, ut dignum erat, crudeliter interfici fecerit
Translation Now as to why the Beneventans were able to dishonour the emperor (...) The second reason (...) was because after he captured Bari and Sawdân, most disgraceful of all men, the emperor, not heeding God’s will, did not cause him to be cruelly killed right away, as he deserved.
Summary The clemency of Louis II toward the emir of Bari, Sawdân, in the wake of the fall of Bari is used as part of the explanation for his being taken captive by the Beneventans.
Quotation source trans. Ferry, 37, pp. 184-185
Temporal Coverage 871 - 871
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects