Stelle Gentes et insolas septenrionales hi...; (Cosmographia Aethici Istri (700 - 730), Aethicus Ister, Cosmographia 31, ed. and trans. by Michael Herren, p. 30) [5606]

Basic Information
ID 5606
Text Cosmographia Aethici Istri (700 - 730) Anonymous - Other
Quotation Gentes et insolas septenrionales hic philosophus adgreditur. Griphas gentes proximam oceani partem, unde ait uetusta fama processisse Saxonum sobolem et ad Germaniam proeliorum feritate peraccessisse. Gentes stultissimas, uelut ferarum et strutionem uel curcodrillium et scurpionem genera, sunt inter alias gentes ad aquilonem.
Translation This philosopher then goes to the Northern peoples and islands. The Gryphon-Folk [dwell] by the closest part of Ocean, from where, according to ancient report, the Saxon race went out, and by the ferocity of [their] battles arrived in Germany. These peoples who are like species of wild beasts – ostriches, crocodiles, and scorpions – are the most stupid of all the races at the North.
Quotation source Aethicus Ister, Cosmographia 31, ed. and trans. by Michael Herren, p. 30
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