Stelle Huius Eraclii temporibus Sisebutus ...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §11 (p. 332)) [5638]

Basic Information
ID 5638
Text Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 754) Anonymous - History
Quotation Huius Eraclii temporibus Sisebutus in era DCL, anno imperii supra dicti secundo, Sarracenis adhuc consistentibus sub Romannorum tributo, Yberiam ut uir sapiens et nimium litterature deditus retentat annos per octo. Hic per Spaniam urbes Romanas subiugat, Iudeos ad Xpi fidem ui conuocat. Venerabilem Elladium Toletane sedis urbis regie metropolitanum episcopum, sanctitatis preconio prefulgentem eclesia clamitat. Isiudorum Spalensem metropolitanum pontificem clarum doctorem Spania celebrat. Qui anno VII° supra fati principis Sisebuti contra Acefalorum heresim magna auctoritate Spalim in secretario sancte Iherusalem concilium agitat, atque oer ueridicis doctorum testimoniis Sirum quendam Acefalum episcopum, supra fatam heresim uindicantem, exsuperat, et uera concilii assera confirmans eius eloquia damnat[…]
Translation In the times of this Eraclius in era 650 [612 CE], in the second year of his rule, at the time when the Saracens were still remaining under tribute to the Romans, Sisebutus held Iberia for eight years. He was a wise man and very much devoted to literature. This man subjugated the Roman cities throughout Hispania and summoned the Jews by force to faith in Christ. The church proclaimed the Venerable Elladius- the metropolitan bishop of the seat of the royal city of Toletum- as a saint. Hispania celebrated Isidorus Hispalensis the metropolitan bishop as a learned doctor. This man in the seventh year of the aforementioned princeps Sisebutus in the conclave of sacred Iherusalem at Ispalis led a council against the heresy of the Acephalites, and through the true testimonies of the doctors he overcame a certain Syrian- an Acephalite bishop preaching the aforementioned heresy- and damned his words by affirming the correct assertions of the council [...] (Al-Tamimi, trans., “The Mozarabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the chronicle recounts the reign of the Visigothic king Sisebut, the subjugation of Roman cities in Spain, the forced conversion of Jews, and the works of the bishops Elladius of Toledo and Isidore of Seville.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §11 (p. 332)
Temporal Coverage 634 - 644
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects