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5690 |
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Quotation |
Post haec geisericus ecclesiam Carthaginis claudi praecepit, dissipatis atque dispersis per diversa exiliorum loca, quia episcopus non fuerat, presbyteris et ministris. Quae vix reserata est zenone principe supplicante per patricium Severum, et sic universi ab exilio redierunt. Quae vero in Hispania, Italia, dalmatia, Campania, Calabria, Apulia, Sicilia, sardinia, Britiis, Lucania, Eprio vetus vel Hellada gesserit, melius ibi ispsi qui passi sunt miserabiliter lugenda narrabunt. Sed iam persecutionis nostrae, a geiserico quanto sublimiter, tanto crudeliter gestae, iste sit finis. Duravit autem in regno annis triginta septem, mensibus tribus. |
Translation |
51 After these things Geiseric ordered that the Church of Carthage was to be closed and its priests and junior clergy scattered and dispersed to different places of exile, because tehre was no bishop. Thanks to the supplication the ruler Zeno made through the patrician Severus, it was, with difficulty, openend again, and so they all returned from exile. What he did in Spain, Italy, Dalmatia, Campania, Calabria, Apulia, Sicily, Sardinia, Bruttium, Lucania, Old Epirus and Greee, those who suffered there things which are to be lamented will better tell. But let this now be the end of the persecution waged against us by Geiseric with as much pride as cruelty. His reign lasted for 37 years and three months. |
Quotation source |
Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, I, 51, translation: Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution, translation by John Moorhead, Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 10 (Liverpool University Press: 1992), p. $$$ |
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