Stelle Illo igitur episcopo constituto fac...; (None, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, I,´24-25, translation: Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution, translation by John Moorhead, Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 10 (Liverpool U [5689]

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ID 5689
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Quotation Illo igitur episcopo constituto factum est peccatis urgentibus, ut urbem illam quondam nobilissimam aqtue famosam quinto decimo regni sui anno Geisericus caperet Romam: et simul exinde regum multorum divitias cum populis captivavit. Quae dum muzltitudo captivitatis Africanum attingeret litus, dividentes Wandali et Mauri ingentem populi quantitatem, ut moris est barbaris, mariti ab uxoribus, liberi a parentibus separabantur. Statim sategit vir deo plenus et carus universa vasa ministerii aurea vel argentea distrahere et libertatem de servitute barbarica liberare, ut et coniugia foederata maerunt et pignera genitoribus redderentur.
Translation 24 But, after he [Deogratias] had been made bishop [of Carthage], because of our sins it came to pass that Geiseric, in the fifteenth year of his reign, seized Rome, the city until then most noble and renowned. At that time he took into captivity the wealth of many kings, as well as people. 25 When the thong of captives reached the shore of Africa, the Vandals and Moors divided the huge mass of people into groups. Husbands were seperated from wives and children from their parents, in accordance with the custom of barbarians. That beloved man who was filled with God busied himself immediately. He sold all the gold and silver vessels used in woship and freed the freeborn people from being slaves of the barbarians, so that spouses would remain together and children be returned to their parents.
Quotation source Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, I,´24-25, translation: Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution, translation by John Moorhead, Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 10 (Liverpool University Press: 1992), p. $$$
Temporal Coverage 455 - 455
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Spatial Coverage Objects