Stelle … Sed ubi ad Iscam auditum peruenit...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §68 (pp. 370-71)) [5724]

Basic Information
ID 5724
Text Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 754) Anonymous - History
Quotation … Sed ubi ad Iscam auditum peruenit tirannizantium multitudo, centrum milia armaotorum lectis, ausilia ualida ilico ministrat duci Africano, atque Cultum super Orientis scilicet et occidentis exercitu constituto, per turmas et falangas dinumerati Africano se suscipiunt solo. Sicque consilio definiunt proprio ut patrias Maurorum discursando et gladio feriendo Tingitano usque properent pelago. Sed Maurorum hoc recognoscens multitudo, in pugnam nudi, prependiculis tantummodo ante pudendis precincti, e montana prosiliunt ilico. Sed ubi super flubium Nauam acriter utrique confligunt in prelio, terum colorem equis pulcrioribus demonstando et albis dentibus confricando, equi Egyptii statim resiliunt fugiendo. Sed illi dum amplius inpressionem faciunt desperando, equites iterum Arabici nec mora ob cutis colorem dissiliendo, tergum cum sua et ascensorum internicione appetunt expauscendo…
Translation … But when news of the multitude of rebels reached Iscam, he chose 100,000 men and provided strong help to the African commander, and with an army led by Cultum constituted over East as well as West, the forces were divided into squadrons and battalions and headed to the African land. And thus they decided on their own plan, that by running through the lands of the Moors and striking Tingitanum with the sword they should hurry for the sea. But the multitude of the Moors got to know of this, and they jumped forth straight down from the mountain into the fight, naked and bound by loin-cloths only just covering the private parts. But when both sides fiercely came to blows in battle over the river Nava, as the Berbers showed their foul colour on the finer horses and gnashed with white teeth, the Egyptian horses sprung back in flight. But when they attacked more in desperation, again the Arab cavalry without delay, breaking apart on account of the colour of the skin, turned back in flight and fear, with the horses and riders being killed… (Al-Tamimi, trans., “The Mozarabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the chronicle recounts Hisham bin Abd al-Malik’s unsuccessful military campaigns in Africa against forces led by Kulthum bin Iyadh al-Qushayri, and the Berber victory at the battle of Bagdoura.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §68 (pp. 370-71)
Temporal Coverage 741 - 741
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects