Stelle Medio autem tempore apud Scythas du...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Orosius, Histories I, 15, p. 64, trans. Fear) [5734]

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ID 5734
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation Medio autem tempore apud Scythas duo regii iuuenes Plynos et Scolopetius, per factionem optimatiumt domo pulsi, ingentem iuuentutem secum traxere et in Cappadociae Ponticae ora iuxta amnem Thermodontem consederunt campis Themiscyriis sibi subiectis; ubi diu proxima quaeque populati conspiratione finitimorum per insidias trucidantur, horum uxores exilio ac uiduitate permotae arma sumunt et, ut omnibus par ex simili condicione animus fieret, uiros qui superfuerant interficiunt atque accensae in hostem sanguine suo ultionom caesorum coniugum finitimorum excidio consequuntur, tunc pace armis quaesita externos concubitus ineunt, editos mares mox enecant, feminas studiose nutriunt inustis infantium dexterioribus mammilis, ne sagittarum iactus impedirentur; unde Amazones dictae.
Translation 1. During this period, in Scythia two young princes, Plynos and Scolopetius, were driven from their home by a faction of noblemen. They took with them large numbers of the Scythian youth and, after conquering the Themiscyrian Plains, settled on the shore of Pontic Cappadocia by the river Thermodon. Here, after ravaging the nearby lands for a long time, they were killed during an ambush in a plot devised by their neighbours. 2. The wives of this group, driven hysterical by being exiled and widowed, took up arms and, so that all of them should have the same spirit by being in the same condition, killed the men who had survived. Having inflamed themselves in this way, they avenged with their own blood their slaughtered husbands by exterminating the neighbouring tribes. 3. When they had obtained peace by force of arms, they lay with foreigners. They immediately killed their male offspring, but carefully reared the females, burning off the right-hand breasts of these young girls in order that they should not be impeded in shooting arrows. For this reason they were called Amazons.
Quotation source Orosius, Histories I, 15, p. 64, trans. Fear
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Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment This draws heavily on Justin, 2.4