Stelle quamquam si ob hoc solum barbari Ro...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Orosius, Histories VII, cap. 41, par. 8-9, p. 407, trans. Fear) [5741]

Basic Information
ID 5741
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation quamquam si ob hoc solum barbari Romanis finibus inmissi forent, quod uulgo per orientem et occidentem ecclesiae Christi Hunis Suebis Vandalis et Burgundionibus diuersisque innumeris credentium populis replentur, laudanda et adtollenda misericordia Dei uideretur, quandoquidem, etsi cum labefactione nostri, tantae gentes agnitionem ueritatis acciperent, quam inuenire utique nisi hac occasione non possent. 9 quid enim damni est Christiano ad uitam aeternam inhianti, huic saeculo quolibet tempore et quoquo pacto abstrahi? quid autem lucri est pagano in medio Christianorum aduersus fidem obdurato, si paulo diutius diem protrahat, quandoque morituro, cui desperata conuersio est?
Translation 8. Even if the barbarians were sent into the territory of Rome for this purpose alone – that the Churches of Christ throughout the east and west alike should be filled with Huns, Sueves, Vandals, Burgundians, and a count‑ less host of believers of different races – God’s mercy should be praised and extolled, seeing that, albeit with some loss on our part, so many peoples came to recognise the Truth Which they would have been unable to find without this opportunity. 9. For what loss is it to the Christian who yearns for the life eternal to be taken from this world at any time or in any way? Or what gain is it for a pagan who has hardened himself against the Faith in the midst of Christians, if he drags out his days a little longer, since he who gives up hope of conversion will be doomed to die in the end?
Quotation source Orosius, Histories VII, cap. 41, par. 8-9, p. 407, trans. Fear
Temporal Coverage 406 - 411
Associated use case(s)