Stelle Gothorum tunc populis Athaulfus rex...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Orosius, Histories VII, 43, cap. 2-3 p. 411, trans. Fear) [5742]

Basic Information
ID 5742
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation Gothorum tunc populis Athaulfus rex praeerat: qui post inruptionem urbis ac mortem Alarici Placidia, ut dixi, captiua sorore imperatoris in uxorem adsumpta Alarico in regnum successerat. 3 is, ut saepe auditum atque ultimo exitu eius probatum est, satis studiose sectator pacis militare fideliter Honorio imperatori ac pro defendenda Romana republica inpendere uires Gothorum praeoptauit.
Translation At this time, Athaulf was the ruler over the Gothic tribes. He became king in Alaric’s place, after the breaching of the City and Alaric’s death. As I have mentioned, he married the emperor’s captive daughter, Placidia. 3. It has often been heard, and was proved by his end, that he was clearly a keen partisan of peace and chose to fight loyally for the emperor Honorius and use the Goths’ might to defend the Roman state.
Quotation source Orosius, Histories VII, 43, cap. 2-3 p. 411, trans. Fear
Temporal Coverage 414 - 415
Associated use case(s)