Stelle Gaisericus sollicitatus a relicta V...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 455, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 108-9) [5770]

Basic Information
ID 5770
Text Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469) Hydatius of Aquae Flaviae
Quotation Gaisericus sollicitatus a relicta Valentiniani, ut malum fama dispergit, priusquam Auitus Augustus fieret, Romam ingreditur direptisque opibus Romanorum Carthaginem redit, relictam Valentiniani et filias duas et Aetii filium Gaudentium nomine secum ducens. Sueui Carthaginienses regiones quas Romanis rediderant depre- dantur.
Translation Gaiseric entered Rome-according to an evil lie spread by rumour he had been summoned by Valentinian's widow before Avitus became augustus - and having looted the wealth of the Romans, he returned to Carthage, taking with him Valentinian's widow and two daughters, and the son of Aetius, who was named Gaudentius. The Sueves pillaged the areas of Cathaginiensis that they had returned to the Romans.
Quotation source Hydatius, Chronicle a. 455, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 108-9
Temporal Coverage 455 - 455
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects